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  • Introduction to Designing Open Source Games

    Google has offered the open source tools and the education but it is up to you to learn and develop your own apps for smart phones to prove how competent you are at developing and designing open source games. And to what value you will be able to offer in future developments online Google I imagine are a great company to work for and as big as they are with the smart phones they realize they do not have the time or resources to single handily develop new gaming software nor for that matter have the time to exactly mirror working documents for the hand-held phones, it’s just not plausible.

    However, they have reportedly come to some agreement with certain apps available for the Android; I suppose to challenge the growing presence of Apple’s power. So, with that in mind let’s get into the details of online gaming design. Those already experienced in the language of C++ can use Java, and Java is gaming industry standard, Java is also known for its Flash integration, audio software, texts and cloud based open source development.

     This is usually done in Linux rather than UNIX and the imagery in these new media tools can be surprisingly refreshing. This has reduced the amount of work needed to learn these skills. Before you design the game there are a few things you need to understand when designing games for the phone. Like an I-Pad and other touch screen devices the Teflon screen creates a motion and by controlling your game from the screen can alter the response time of your game, these have been my main concerns about games for the Android. They are clunky and the controls unless scroll button enabled are very annoying. Similarly the tilt sensor in the phone is very advanced. Learning how to program a game like this is well beyond the scope of this introductory post.

    All you need to know with these problems or if you wish to learn more about these high end problems of designing games for the Android phone are GLSurfaceView ATITC compression, VBO’s and there buffers (which are responsible and great for giving feedback when a game crashes because you can trackback the results of the crash. Some interesting terminology which will boost your understanding and help you educate yourself about games designing for Android phones are listed in this short glo2D side-scrolled – Parallax layers, tile-based worlds. I have been a video gamer since growing up as a kid (back in the 1980’s), with my first game system being the classic NES, and I have played many different games since then. Of course, I have also played plenty of twisted games too and some of them are surprisingly fun, humorous, and sometimes even popular, and in this article, I will talk about at least 5 of them. Kenhthoitiet

     Ever wondered what it might be like living the life as a thug and getting involved in organized crime (such as gangs) without actually becoming a criminal. In the Grand Theft Auto series (with the latest installment being The Ballad of Gay Tony), you do just that. Hamtruyen

     The GTA universe is a popular roleplaying game, usually based in New York City (also known as Liberty City, though some games feature other cities such as Miami in Vice City and Los Angeles in San Andreas) where you usually control a thug (such as Nikko in GTA 4) and do missions for various crime bosses throughout the city. Appngon

     Some quests involves petty crimes such as stealing a prized car that a certain crime boss wants, while other missions may have you assassinate people that have crossed the criminal organization you are a part of, such as delinquents.

    In GTA San Andreas, for example, Carl Johnson joins the Grove Street gang and gets involved in a gang war with rival gangs, such as the Ballast (though he also works for crime bosses such as El Salvador, Doctor Rosenberg, as well as a corrupt government agent named, Mike Torreon to name a few). Saps-renovation

  • The War on Used Games

    As we prepare for the coming wave of next generation systems, we should be anticipating improvements on all the good things we associate with the current crop of systems. Moving forward we expect: better graphics, faster processors, more engaging games, you get the idea. But not everything that we’re anticipating will be a progressive movement for gaming.

     At least, as far as Sony and Microsoft are concerned, you can wave goodbye to playing used games on their systems. Although these are just rumors at this point, it wouldn’t be surprising if they came to fruition. It’s very plausible, especially when taking into consideration that several game publishers have already fired shots at the used game market. Ukstartupmagazine  

    Most notable is Electronic Arts (EA), who became the first publisher to institute the practice of charging gamers. Who bought used games, a fee to access codes that come with the game? To elaborate, Downloadable Content (DLC) codes are included with new copies of a particular game and only with those codes, can that content be accessed.

    EA expanded its project to include playing used games online. Gamers would now have to pay $10, in addition to the cost of the used game that they purchased, in order to have access to the online components of their game. ISOFT has since followed suit, requiring an online pass for its games as well. You can identify the games which require an online pass as they bare the, “unplay Passport”, logo on the box. ISOFT decided they’d take things a step further and implement Digital Rights Management, a practice more often associated with DVD or CD anti-piracy efforts. Assassins Creed 2 was the first game to be effected by this practice. Investees

    In order to play the PC version of Assassins Creed 2, gamers are required to create an account with ISOFT and remain logged into that account in order to play the game. This means that if you lose your internet connection, the game will automatically pause and try to reestablish the connection. However, if you’re unfortunate enough to be unable to reconnect to the internet you’ll have to continue from your last saved game; losing any progress you may have made since then. Smallbusinessblog This will be the case for all of ISOFT’s PC titles, regardless of one playing single-player or multi-player. While Digital Rights Management has been used to combat DVD and CD piracy for quite some time now; this will mark the first time it’s been used for a video game. In light of ISOFT’s implementation of DRM, Matthew Humphries of, cautions that it’s feasible that eventually even console games will require online registration in order to play them A Gaming Computer, also known as gaming PC, is a personal computer that is capable of playing computationally and graphically demanding video games. They are very similar to conventional computers with the exception that these machines are fitted with performance-oriented video card and other specifications. Holloman

  • RPGs for Every Video Game Console

    The gaming market is monstrous. Right now there are six consoles, three handhelds, and the ever present PC you can buy games for. Adsense That’s 10 different ways you can get your game on, so if you’re someone who doesn’t have the ways or means to buy all 10 platforms and every halfway decent game that arrives for any of them, you’re probably wondering which way you should go to get the most bangs for your buck. I’m a bit of a gamer nerd, and so for you I’ve collected the top five available games (in the stores now) for each console for each particular genre. Egg This round: RPGs. The Japanese RPG market exploded in the 32-64 bit days. Blowing out with a new game seemingly every week.

    You can blame square for that one, bringing to the stores amazing game after amazing game, which immediately spurned every other company to release whatever dreck they could muster to keep you pumping money into their pockets. Nowadays there are hundreds of options out there and the Japanese market isn’t the only one around. L-agente North American companies have their own answers to the RPG boom and now it’s a veritable flood of options. PlayStation 2 – The PlayStation brand name has been the home of quality RPGs since PS1 first rolled out with Suicide and Final Fantasy games in the mid- 90s. This list was hard because there are so many left off. Smallbiz Dark Cloud 2, Final Fantasy X, the Shin MegamiTensei games and many more deserve recognition, but alas these are also long as hell, so if you had more than 5, when would you ever finish them. You may notice I exclude the PS3, but I can’t really offer any PS3 RPGs for you until they’ve actually been created. We’re waiting. L-agente

    Shadow Hearts Covenant – The Shadow Hearts series took on a serious following after this entry, one of the greatest RPG releases of the generation. It’s take on the fantasy RPG genre blended into the realms of reality, bleeding over in church and demonology lore. Scan

    Taking place in the 19th Century and following the legend of a young woman and her unfortunate destiny, it can be enjoyed alone or along with its predecessors Koudelka and Shadow Hearts (I).Disagree – This is probably the best strategy RPG released for any console ever. L-agente Released by Altus, a brand name that has grown in and of itself of recent years to the respectability that names like Square and Level 5 now carry with their games. Disagree is about the young prince of hell and his quest to regain his domain after being awoken. With more than 200 hours of gameplay here, count on playing for days on days. And it’s funnier than hell. These are great characters. Unijoin Final Fantasy XII – The newest release, released only two weeks before the PlayStation 3’s release. This game redefines the epic scope of prior Final Fantasies, literally reaching for the stars. Orlo Each character is fully realized and a part of the action, their story an intricate part of the game. Children are inherently inquisitive creatures. They have a curiosity to discover new things and learn by way of discovering and experimenting even before they are subjected to methods of formal education such as reading or writing. Science is a discipline of experiments and discoveries. Curtainshop

    The National Science Education Standards emphasize that “science education needs to give students three kinds of scientific skills and understandings. Students need to learn the principles and concepts of science, acquire the reasoning and procedural skills of scientists, and understand the nature of science as a particular form of human endeavor. Unijoin